
Monday, 11 November 2013

Remembrance Day

They are the fallen ones, the ones who carried the lives of their men, country, and others on their backs. The ones who left behind what they held dear to do what they thought was their duty. They are the fallen ones; the Soldiers. And, we remember them.
Yesterday, Room 20 pursued their ancestral links all the way back to World War I, discovering what it truly meant to serve your nation. We discussed what we knew about Remembrance Day and learnt things we didn’t know, for example the position of a horse’s legs on a statue is a symbol of how a person may have died in battle.  We learnt about the Unknown Soldier and explored what significance he represented for our nation and others. We also designed our own memorial garden considering the overall layout and the types of plants, trees and other symbolic items to include. It was great to learn about Remembrance Day and to also reflect on our lives today, so, soldiers - we remember you.


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