
Wednesday, 3 December 2014

We did it!
Thank you to the Wattle Grove School Community for helping the school achieve the coveted title of ‘WA Primary School of the Year.’ We are absolutely chuffed. Wattle Grove was recognised for its push towards academic excellence. A special ‘thank you’ to the parents and children of Room 22 for your support and commitment towards the academic class and gifted and talented education. 
On Monday 1st December, our Principal Ms Roberts and some members of the staff attended a ceremony held at the Crown Function Centre in Burswood. The event’s purpose was to celebrate the winning WA’s Primary School of the Year and many other incredible awards.

A few weeks before this event, our school, Wattle Grove Primary was nominated in the Top 4 Best Primary Schools in WA. This was a fantastic achievement and privilege to be in the running for such an impressive award. Eventually, the winners were announced and it was nerve-racking hoping we would be called out.  After a long wait, the results were announced and our school had achieved the great honour of receiving the title of ‘WA School of the Year’ and accepting this wonderful achievement.
The staff and students were all ecstatic by the thought of receiving this amazing award, we would like to thank everyone in the school who contributed to the making W.G.P.S. the School of the Year.
Well Done Wattle Grove Primary School!
-Rachelle and Alyssha
Did you know…?
That Shakespeare never knew how to spell his name?
That Hamlet is just over 4 hours long?
That Shakespeare’s grave is cursed?

These, along with a couple of other weird and wonderful facts about the master playwright, were dug up from the old archives of Weird Obscure Internet Facts for my presentation on Shakespeare for the year 3’s of Room 23, who have been learning about Shakespeare in class and were very interested in my presentation. They listened with rapt attention as I explained what happened to him between the years of 1585 and 1592, why people thought he was a fake and what the curse on his tomb says (Shakespeare wrote it himself!) After the presentation was done, I answered numerous questions about my presentation- about 75% of them were about the curse! Overall, it was a very rewarding experience, getting to teach another class about something that I am extremely passionate about. Thank you to Room 23 for being wonderful students that showed a lot of interest in my presentation- it was wonderful to see!
- Bella

On Week 6 of Term 4, Miss Heydon, our prac teacher departed from Room 22 and Wattle Grove Primary so that she could continue her studies at university to become a teacher next year. Her time in Room 22 will not be forgotten, as we had many laughs with Miss Heydon. She will be dearly missed in the PAC class as she has taught us many things. This included how to write explanations, how to make ooblek as well as how to find an area of a circle. We made slimy ooblek. The messy corn starch and water made our hands become sticky; add some food colouring and you have 23 students and two teachers with coloured and messy hands. During this experiment we learnt that this substance is known as a Non-Newtonian Liquid. A Non-Newtonian liquid is a liquid that does not follow the constant viscosity of other liquids, meaning that it does not follow the constant flow of other liquids. We also found out that science and maths are incorporated with each other. Miss Heydon taught us about statistics and probability in maths by playing a game. We also learnt about measures of centre and spread. The centre is the mean, mode and median and the spread is the range. You’ll be missed Miss Heydon. Thank you for everything.
-Alyssha and Shahana
It’s that time of the year again, and Christmas spirit is running high as many families are organising get-togethers, putting up the tree, hanging decorations and belting out Christmas carols at the tops of their voices (a major pain in the neck for neighbours who are trying to organise a quiet Christmas.) As well as all the general excitement and racket, there is also one more thing to look forward to- presents! However, many families cannot afford to have Santa visit their homes this year. Some of them are very short on money, others have spent everything paying their child’s school fees, and others are just unable to accommodate the sheer amount of people they have to buy presents for. To help these families find happiness in their Christmas endeavours, several churches and schools in the Hills region have started up the Hills Christmas Appeal - a donation event where everyday people donate items such as food, clothes, toys and gifts for others who have less than us. Our school, as part of our Wattle Grove Way, has decided to comply with our school motto and ‘Give To Receive’ this Christmas. May we all celebrate the Christmas season by giving, and in turn, receiving the joy of helping others have a fun and enjoyable time.

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