
Thursday 27 June 2013


Welcome to the Room 20 blog. Keep watching this space for all the news and events that are happening in our class.

Wired up and ready to blog!

Hello, and welcome to the Room 20 Blog.  With all the interesting stuff that’s been going on, we decided it would be only right to create a blog to keep you up-to-date.  This term, this WHOLE year in fact, we have been very busy with many fun projects. First of all, in Term One; we had the All About Me presentation, the Tim Winton Writing project and the Sleek Geeks competition. In Term Two, we’ve had the Energy and Change project, the Dorothea Mackellar poetry competition, the I Am David novel study and the Speak Up competition. Who knows what lies in place for Room 20 in the remaining terms…?

While these last two terms have been quite hard, they have still been fun, and with robotics, computer studies and solar boats possibly coming up, it is sure to get harder, but more rewarding. I am sure the whole class is looking forward to all of those exciting subjects, so the rest of the year is one you don’t want to miss!

Now that this blog is wired up and ready to go, it is a good idea to keep an eye on it, as this shall now be our primary source of information, now replacing the class newsletter. We now have enough space to put ALL the information, some extra information and fun sections! So enjoy, the Room 20 Blog, now up and ready to be enjoyed! 
- Adam
Energy and Change... Speak Up... Principal's Challenge... It's time to have a laugh...

Extremely Electrifying Energy (and Change) project review

This term we have been working on an Energy & Change Project consisting of three intervals of experiments each contains instructions to be carried out at exceptionally high standards. Each and every student has achieved these standards and their projects are purely outstanding. It is clear that every single student has devoted a phenomenal amount of time and effort. We are profoundly proud of their achievements.

The information we have obtained is truly engaging and quite intriguing as well, for instance: Do you know what potential energy is? An object can store energy as the result of its position. For example, the heavy ball of a demolition machine is storing energy when it is held at an elevated position. This stored energy of position is referred to as potential energy. Similarly, a drawn bow is able to store energy as the result of its position. How about the energy that makes up atoms? The parts inside an atom are protons, electrons and neutrons. Have you ever heard of thermodynamics?  Well I’ll stop there… thermodynamics are a little complex Ummmm… Well I will be off now. I hope you have learnt some interesting facts. (Besides thermodynamics) 

- Elycia

Speak Up
This term, years 5, 6 and 7 have been working on a project called Speak Up. To begin with, if you don’t know what Speak Up is, let me explain…

Speak Up is a project that Mrs Mackenzie set for us to accomplish. You had to select a topical issue to speak about. Several students decided to cover topics such as Obesity, Global Hunger, Poverty and many others. We had to rehearse our speech a number of times to become fluent. Mikayla, Amos and Lucy were chosen by our teacher Mr Petch to proceed in the finals. Our speech had to be 2 to 4 minutes long. Out of the people who succeeded and got into the finals, 3 people will be chosen to represent Wattle Grove Primary School. We don’t know who yet, but we will soon find out…

On Thursday 27th of June we had the Speak Up finals. Despite the nerves due to speaking in front of half of the school, the finalists did an amazing job and ought to be commended. As an audience member, I was very impressed and highly informed of all of the different issues that are occurring in our world today. Furthermore, to acknowledge the finalist’s hard work and dedication, each of them will be receiving book that was kindly donated to the school by Scholastics. The only question now is, who do you think will represent Wattle Grove in the state-wide Speak Up finals...?

- Nikole

Principal's Challenge...
 It’s almost the end of term two and what a busy term! We had projects and we also had the Principal’s Challenge. Yup, that’s right the Principal’s Challenge. For all those who have no clue of what I am talking about here’s a little a bit about it.

Principal’s Challenge is kind of like a test we do every term. It has series of questions that include maths, spelling and general knowledge (Australian history). Normally you would get a study sheet to help practice and prepare for the test. This time for our general knowledge we had to learn about significant dates of Australian History and Fred Hollows. Although we have finished the Principal’s Challenge, it is important to remember all of the important information.
In the spelling category we have 20 words. Some are homophones and some are just your every day words. Here are some words that we were tested on: millennium, transparent, poll, ceiling and many others. Math’s is based on your average times tables up to 12 and mixed operations which include addition, subtraction and division. We then, of course hand it to the teacher to mark so can find out our final results. Since we wanted to know as soon as possible Mr. Petch was sooo nice that he spent most of his lunch time (when he wasn’t on duty) marking. What a nice teacher. I am pleased to announce that our class average for term two is (drum role please) . . . . .  90%. Yeah!!  We have improved by 4% as a class. Awesome! I hope our class wins against the other PAC class to be the top PAC. We achieved that as a class but what about students that achieved a high score; well I have the answer to your question. The highest scoring students or most improved students (since the last challenge) receive a certificate of one of the following certificates: Most improved, top 5 or 100%.

Have a laugh on us...

What do you call a man who lays on the floor all day? 
What do you call a man who plays in leaves all day? 
What’s the last thing that goes through a bug’s mind as it hits a windshield at 100km an hour? 
Its legs! 
What’s brown and sticky? 
A stick!
Where do bees go to the bathroom? 
At the BP station!
What did the spider do on the computer? 
He made a website!
What do you call a pig that does karate? 
A pork chop!
How do you make time fly? 
Throw a clock out the window!
What did the ground say to the earthquake? 
You crack me up!
What do you call cheese that’s not yours? 
Nacho Cheese! 

- Adam 

It's Crossword time...

Have a go at this cryptic crossword which is all about the elements. 

- Abigail
















Male Element
Superman's Element
Found In The Kitchen
California Valley
American 5 Cent
Green Poison
Doesn't Like Money Or Banknotes
Yellow Non Metal
No Clothes
Good At Physics
Almost An Idiot
Rude Element
Unable To Move
Named After Germany
Named After France