
Thursday 29 August 2013

Merit Certificates
Congratulations to Lachlan, Alyssha and Sean. You have all put in a tremendous effort towards your learning. Keep up the fantastic work. You are superstars! 
Star of the Week
We love celebrating all things positive in Room 20 and we are pleased to announce we have recently had a new addition to the class; Mr Happy Box. Every week our class members acknowledge the wonderful attributes of others and place their hand written notes in Mr Happy Box and on the Friday we pull one note out at random. The person whose name we pull out becomes our.... Star of the Week!!!
Congratulations to Mikayla for being our first ever (official) Star of the Week. Mikayla was nominated by Elycia for: always being happy. Mikayla's smile is wider than the horizon and has the ability to brighten up any room! (Nice words, Elycia!).
This week's Star of the Week was awarded to Shahana. Shahana was nominated by Nikole for: being a great member of the class and most of all, being my friend. (A nice warm-fuzzy, Nikole). Well done girls!

Wednesday 21 August 2013

Book Week 2013

Art on Show
Last term, we entered a Therapy Focus Arts Competition, having to illustrate a page for a story. A few weeks after entering, our Art teacher, Miss Larkin, told me that I was in the top hundred. The artwork I had created was open to the public for them to vote on their favourite piece. 
At the beginning of the term, I was informed that I had actually won the competition and have been invited to an awards night on Thursday 29th August. My drawing will be published in the story book. My parents and teacher are very proud and I am thrilled to get my artwork published in an actual book.
- Bianca

Update: Last night, 29th August, Bianca, her family and some Wattle Grove staff attended an awards ceremony for the book launch of 'Jake Rides the Roller-coaster' held by Therapy Focus at Westfield Carousel. We were all so proud to see Bianca receive widespread acknowledgement and an amazing prize pack for having her work published in the book. Well done on a fantastic achievement, Bianca! Room20 and our school are extremely proud of you. Here are some photos of the night:


Tuesday 20 August 2013

Speak Up... Update 
The Speak Up Award is a competition that brings the chance for school students to talk about a topical issue out loud in front of an audience. The speech has to fit into the time frame of three or four minutes, however, it cannot be ridiculously short like thirty seconds or anything of the sort – I don’t see how a highly formal speech can possibly be that short.

The first round of speeches took place in the classroom. Students presented their speeches, and were marked by their teacher and some of their classmates. The top contestants were chosen to enter the second round.

The second round of Speak Up was the school competition. The selected contestants presented their speeches in front of the entire (senior) school, and the judges, who were some teachers, picked the top three from that round to go into the next round.

The next round was an inter-school competition. The school winners were sent by Mrs Mackenzie, the principal, to South Perth Masonic Hall. The speaking area was quite small; much smaller than I expected. Speakers stood on a tiny blue platform in front of a ‘large’ room, with the audience in cushioned chairs in the distance. The audience had less people than I had thought – only the other speakers and their parents and teachers! I had expected something like a TED talk setup, but no – it was almost amusing to see such a tiny little room, for such an important speech.

The judges – a couple of men – sat at a table on the side. They never seemed to look up, except when the speech was finished. Their pens all seemed to be continuously scribbling things down on their papers.

The range of speech topics was quite wide – from the evolution of music, to endangered animals. Yes, it was wide, despite the fact that there were only twelve speakers on the day. Personally, I think Speak Up is a wonderful opportunity to tell society what you are passionate about, and what you care about. But I don’t think the fame and glory that you get is what matters – it’s more about getting a message across to society, and informing people about what you want them to know.

Interschool Cross-Country

In Week 3 some classmates and I went to interschool cross-country. We participated in the event with other students from the school. It was held at Dawson Park Primary School and I’m sure everyone who ran would agree it was a pretty confusing course. It was for years one through to seven.
 From our class the runners were:
Girls: Lucy
Boys: Henry & I.
Lucy: 2nd
Henry: 4th
Blake (me): 3rd
Here are some intakes of the runner’s personal experience of the day.
Interview with Henry:
What did you think of their track?
 The track was okay but I prefer our track much more.”
 Their track was rough and confusing whereas our track was much more flat (had slight hills) and was clearly marked out.”
Did you like going to interschool?
 Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed it.”
What was your favourite part of the day?
 Mainly the running, but I did enjoy watching and cheering my school on.”
Interview with Lucy:
Have you ever been to interschool before?
 Yes, last year.”
What was your favourite part of the day?
 I liked Watching everyone run.”
Did you enjoy the conditions, what were they like?
 Yes, it felt nice on an overcast day.”
Did you like going?
 Yeah, it was fun.”
As you can see, it was a fun day had by all. Personally, I thoroughly enjoyed it and can’t wait for next year’s event.
- Blake

Merit Certificates 
Congratulations to Rhian, Rachelle and Deckard for beginning the term with such a fantastic attitude and work ethic. Keep up the brilliant work.

Monday 19 August 2013

Student Councillors for Semester Two 
Room 20 would like to introduce our new Student Councillors for Semester Two. Congratulations to Amos and Khaled for being elected to represent our class. We all know you will do a fantastic job.  We would also like to thank Elycia and Blake for being the very first Student Councillors for Room 20. You both set extremely high standards and treated the role with the utmost respect. Thank you!

Being a Student Councillor:

Normal words cannot begin to describe the significance of this marvellous achievement. To my mother, it was one of the greatest achievements that I had ever made. I know why: never before had I earned such a glorious ‘title’. I think it came as quite a shock – once, I was just an ordinary Amos, my name not heard of anywhere…then, the same Amos all of a sudden stood up and earned the title of Student Councillor.

Thank you to all those who voted for me, I appreciate it greatly. Thanks for helping me to gain this title, and for opening the door to a world of grand opportunities. Thanks for recognising who I am, and why I should be a Student Councillor. Thanks to the past two Student Councillors, for doing a great job at being who they are. As for what I’ll be asked to do as a Student Councillor, well…I’ll just have to wait. 
– Amos. 
Ciao and welcome to Term 3, 2013! Before I start uttering my few words, I’d like to congratulate Elycia and Blake for their extraordinary performance in the first semester of this year! They were fantastic Councillors and always dependable. I am immensely proud to be one of the Student Councillors for Room 20! I am also enthusiastic to serve our class and I am looking forward to the time to come.
- Khaled

Ancient Egyptian Movie Project 
In week 2 we were set a task to make a video on a pharaoh or the duties of a pharaoh. We have all done an awesome job on these videos. These videos show our editing skills and how good we are at acting. All of these videos are A grade material. Have you seen the videos yet?
- Jessica

'I am David'  Novel Study
‘I am David’ is a book written by Anne Holm about a young boy who was kept from the outside world in a concentration camp and was able to escape and run away from this horrible site. This fictional story continues on about his ‘free’ journey in the real world. Room 20 has begun thinking about what he would have written if he had brought with him a diary. This assignment consisted of creating a diary representing his adventures and discoveries. The task was imaginative and took a lot of effort and time. We also learnt about the different technical abilities used to make a descriptive story. We had to focus on emotive and figurative language to create depth in our writing. This helped us to reveal our inner self and connect with the intentions that the author was trying to illustrate.

Room 20 travels back in time!

Ancient Egypt Portfolio from Room20

Room 20 travels back in time! 

This Term, our class have been travelling back in time. We have dedicated the whole Term to Ancient Egypt and we’ve definitely learned a great deal. After visiting the museum, learning about historical facts and creating stories, biographies, examining the way that the Ancient Egyptians lived and exploring the life of a Pharaoh, I guess you could ask us just about anything on Ancient Egypt!  
Each week, we all have been set tasks according to Bloom’s Taxonomy to do all sorts of activities; from glossaries to movies and everything in between… We have gone ‘Ancient Egyptian Crazy!!!’ Recently, in pairs, we created videos on the duties and powers of the Pharaoh. They’re on the blog. You should check them out if you haven’t already.   
Herodotus, Abu Simbel, Hatshepsut and Tutankhamen are some of the topics we have covered. We are now learning all about the Religion of Ancient Egypt and we’re pretty amazed to find out just how many Gods there actually were. 
Massed Choir  
Recently, the choir took part in a huge rehearsal along with other schools to prepare for the Massed Choir Festival. The first rehearsal was held at Churchlands and the choir had to depart at 8.15am to reach our destination by 9.30am. The rehearsal was a lot of fun and hard work. The next rehearsal will be held on the 29th August, at U.W.A. The choir is very excited as we have been preparing for this day for a long time. Make sure you have your tickets as they will be sold out very soon.
